LASALLECUNMUN´s mission is to create an interest in high school students on issues of global impact, raise awareness, encourage them to get involved in actions to improve society and form leaders of tomorrow with social responsibility. Enable students to establish diplomatic relations, promote diversity, respect for human rights and the environment. To emphasize the importance of education and the common good.
LASALLECUNMUN´s vision is that in the future society will be the one to reap the fruits of well-trained leaders, concerned with issues of global impact. Motivate students to improve their skills in public speaking, advocacy and research.
Delegates will be assigned a country, which they will represent and defend their country's position on a specific issue. Their performance during the event will depend on each delegate's adequate preparation, both in terms of their previous research and their mastery of the topic. This means that they must understand the issue according to their position in order to generate relentless arguments and stand out as a persuasive and firm delegation.